Specialist Study

For my specialist study I will be looking into film reviews and writing an essay on Christopher Nolan’s Dark Knight trilogy. For this study I’ll be trying to find out what film reviewers look for when critiquing a film, why they comment on films, and what they believe the underlying message is within the film, if there is one. For my essay I’ll be looking how the Dark Knight trilogy is constructed, the themes and feelings throughout the trilogy, breaking down certain quotes from the films & saying what they mean and represent, discussing characters and what they represent. The basis of what am writing is how Nolan constantly represents chaos vs order and how each villain is a representation of what Bruce has to overcome to restore order in his life. well as considering things such as lighting, set design etc. I’ll also be looking at Nolan’s other films and comparing the themes between this trilogy to his other work. So throughout this assignment I will be conducting research, an analysation of other films critiques and reviews, interpret and apply the information I have found into my own work, meanwhile highlighting them individually.

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