Editing Process

I had nearly 2 hours worth of content to edit which I really looked forward to doing. I chose to edit on Premiere Pro as I have done for the majority of videos.

For this project, I wanted to create an intro including clips from different eras of United’s history so that was just a case of putting the videos into Premiere and cutting them down to a suitable length and to the parts I wanted to use. The only other thing I had to do with the downloaded clips was to size them to fit the screen, some did turn out better than others but I had to make do with what I had. Once I was happy with the way it fitted the screen I added a simple transition to move from on video to another, mostly zooms and  few fades to white as well.

Once done, I added some music for the intro, ‘This is the One’ by The Stone Roses, a song which United walk out to during their home games. I had to lower the audio at times for the parts of the intro that included commentary from the clips, and added a fade towards the end of the intro. In terms of the podcast itself, the editing process was very basic. It was just a case of, cutting out any long pauses, any major swear words and or any other disturbances. In addition to his, I added some titles over the video, to either correct any news or facts that were out dated.

Another thing I had added was the different line ups that me and Harvey had put together so that was just a case of un-connecting the audio and video, removing the parts of the video that the screenshots of the team sheets would be used in. Once getting towards the end of the editing process, I found out that the last 20-30 mins of content had no audio. I did try to solve this problem however I figured out that the problem occurred during filming so there was nothing I could do about the problem.

Naturally I take responsibility for not noticing the issue earlier to give myself time to solve the problem, however this was not the case and half of the content was wasted. This was a shame because I felt as if I had created a good podcast which now unfortunately will be cut short.

So due to the loss of audio, I had to cut the podcast short and just add a couple title pages just apologising to the viewer and to thank them for watching.

On the whole the editing process was fine, I created a good intro I feel, and the content of the podcast itself, bar the loss of audio, I think, was a success as well. From here the podcast will be uploaded to YouTube and possibly my website as well.

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